Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Why cats are better than dogs

Today, I'm posting a comprehensive list of why cats are at least ten times better than dogs:

1. They use a litter box. Instead of covering your lawn in shit and making you take them outside constantly, they do their business in a nice little box. This is because they're smarter than dogs.

2. They purr. Purring has been shown to lower a humans blood pressure, and promote relaxation. Dogs barking and tearing up your house will do the opposite.

3. They kill pests.

4. They always land on their feet. This is because they're always on top of their game.

5. Girls love cats. This is 100% objective fact.


  1. Cats are okay.

    Dogs are my friends though.

    I think once my dog dies I'll get a cat though. Just to mix it up.

  2. I hate barking dogs >.< Cats ftw

  3. I own a dog, but it's barkings makes me want to scream. So cats win this round.

  4. I laughed when you said cats are smarter. May I suggest a movie? Hachiko: A Dog's Story

  5. I seriously can't disagree with #5. It's so true, at any age.

  6. I like dogs more but that is just me I guess.

  7. Great blog! :) Following and supporting!

  8. The dogs that I have met in my life time just seem far more noble then the cats, I like that.

  9. hmm maybe... cats are cool i guess but they dont fetch?! following ;)

  10. still not enough for them to be better than dogs...

  11. I just don't know how much better it can get than a dog laying it's head on your lap. Ah, life is rarely lonely when you have a dog. It's always there to please. At least mine was haha.

  12. girls do like cats as well as dogs. they are a chick magnet if you find a chick that likes cats.

  13. I like both animals, but if I had to choose between a cat and a dog like a border collie ,german shepard, or a husky, I'd pick the dog hands down xD

  14. Those are some good pros.

  15. cats are cuter. also, if i have my gf over and a cat jump on the bed, she gets happy and attached.

    imagine a giant dog jumping on it. gross lol.

  16. Eh, I like the interaction with dogs better. Cats act like a tenant whereas dogs act like friends.

  17. I completely disagree. Dogs are much more fun than cats :P. Still a good read though

  18. Girls loves dogs too.

    But cats purr, so...

  19. cats are good if you something to take care of. Dogs are there when you need them.

  20. Dogs think their owners are God because they look after them.

    Cats think THEY are God because their owners look after them.

    Personally I'm a dog guy, but I'm not going to hate on you...yet ;)

  21. You make some solid points, but I still love dogs more than cats.

  22. any girl worth a damn loves cats.

  23. Love cats! Followed!

  24. I agree! But I want a dog, due to the feel of reciprocity, haha. Following!

  25. thats purely opinion! dog lover here :P
